1 x 1 oz Silbermünzbarren 2$ Niue "Star Wars - Mandalorian Beskar Bar 2021" -BU- (Kapsel)*

61,04 €
No tax
Land:   Niue Island
Nennwert:   2$
Prägung:   Stempelglanz
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Silber
Feinheit:   999/1000
Gewicht:   31,103 Gramm
Durchmesser:    51x22.95 mm
Auflage:   50.000 Stück
Nicht ausreichend Artikel auf Lager

1 x 1 Unze (oz) Silbermünzbarren 2$ Niue

"Star Wars - Mandalorian Beskar Bar 2021"

 (diff.besteuert nach §25a UStG)

Mandalorian body armor is made of one of the most precious metals in the galaxy. When not being used to protect the famed bounty hunter they are melted down into Beskar ingots for exchange. Now you can own precious metal "Beskar Bars" of real value!

Coin Highlights:

  • Contains 1 oz of .999 fine Silver.
  • The only officially licensed precious metal Beskar ingots worldwide are APMEXclusive
  • Worldwide mintage of 50,000 Beskar bar coins.
  • Coin comes in protective packaging. Multiples of 25 come in plastic tubes. Multiples of 300 come in themed monster boxes.
  • Obverse: Displays the Niue coat of arms along with the face value, the year of issue, weight, purity and official copyright of Lucasfilm for further authentication.
  • Reverse: Features the officially licensed rippled surface and Galactic Imperial stamp of a Beskar ingot as seen in The Mandalorian series on Disney Plus.
  • Issued by the sovereign government of Niue.

Mandalorian Beskar Ingot
The legendary Beskar alloy, known also as Mandalorian iron, is highly prized throughout the galaxy for its extreme strength and durability. Developed on Mandalore for its warriors as a powerful armor, it can withstand blasters and even resist a lightsaber's strike. In addition to its extraordinary resilience, Beskar is able to be shaped according to a warrior's desires and so proves quite versatile. In ingot form, this precious metal is melted down into bars featuring a wavy surface that is then stamped with the Galactic Imperial Crest for authentication. So valuable and versatile is Beskar that in ingot-form they are used as a convenient store of value or means of exchange. Mandalorians have an almost religious connection to Beskar and believe it belongs only in the hands of their people. Now you can get your hands on it in true precious metal Silver form that will hold its value as both Silver and as a unique collectible item.

Niue ist eine isolierte Koralleninsel im Südpazifik in der Nähe von Tonga, 2.400 km nordöstlich von Neuseeland. Sie liegt südlich von Samoa und westlich der Cookinseln.


Technische Daten
