1 x 1 Silbermünze 2$ Niue "Star Wars - Galactic Empire 2021" -BU-*

45,92 €
No tax
Hersteller:   Niue Island
Nennwert:   2 $
Prägung:   Stempelglanz
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Silber
Feinheit:   999/1000
Gewicht:   31,103 Gramm
Durchmesser:   39x2.98mm
Auflage:   25.000 Stück

2-3 Tage

1 x 1 Silbermünze Niue "Star Wars - Galactic Empire 2021"

(diff.besteuert nach §25a UStG)


Following the Mandalorian Mythosaur coin, the 2nd in its exclusive Symbols of Star Wars Series with the Galactic Empire Bullion.

This coin features the officially licensed Imperial Crest of the mighty Galactic Empire in .999 fine Silver!

Coin Highlights:

  • Contains 1 oz of .999 fine Silver.
  • Worldwide mintage of only 25,000 coins!
  • Coin comes in protective packaging. Multiples of 20 come in plastic tubes. Multiples of 200 come in themed monster boxes.
  • Obverse: Displays the Niue coat of arms along with the face value and the year of issue.
  • Reverse: Features the officially licensed Imperial Crest of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars. The reverse also features the metal content, purity, and the Lucasfilm copyright for further authentication.
  • Issued by the sovereign government of Niue.

Star Wars Galactic Empire
When Sith Lord, Sheev Palpatine created the Galactic Empire from the ashes of the Galactic Republic he refashioned the Republic's 8-spoked cog into the 6-spoked symbol that came to represent the most feared and mighty empire the Galaxy had ever seen. Palpatine understood the power of symbols in branding his new empire and projecting strength throughout the galaxy. The similarities and differences to the symbol of the Old Republic simultaneously maintained a familiarity necessary for acceptance while also indicating a clear transition to a new order. The Galactic Imperial Crest would appear on flags, spacecraft, administrative buildings, currency and more. Now you can invest in real life official Galactic Empire Bullion Silver.

Niue ist eine isolierte Koralleninsel im Südpazifik in der Nähe von Tonga, 2.400 km nordöstlich von Neuseeland. Sie liegt südlich von Samoa und westlich der Cookinseln.

Der Nennwert beträgt 2$ . Diese Münze hat einen Anteil von 99,9% Feinsilber mit einem Durchmesser von, 39mm, wiegt 31,103 Gramm und wurde in einer wunderschönen "Brilliant uncirculated" Version Produziert.

5 Artikel

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