Hersteller: | Royal Mint | |
Nennwert: | 10 Pfd | |
Prägejahr: | 2022 | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 10 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 311,06 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | gekapselt | |
Durchmesser: | 89,15x6 mm |
1 x 10 Unze (oz) Silbermünze 5 Pfd Vereinigtes Königreich
"The Royal Tudor Beast - 1# Lion of England 2022"
(diff.besteuert nach §25a UStG)
Start einer neuen 10 jährige Münzserie - von der Royal Mint in England geprägt - mit jährlich wechselnden Motiven.
Ausgaben im einzelnen:
1.) Lion of Egland (Der Löwe von England)
The popular The Royal Tudor Beasts series of coins celebrating England's Royal Tudors now includes a bullion coin release. Featuring the Lion of England, this bullion coin is the perfect addition to any royal collection.
Coin Highlights
The Royal Tudor Beasts Collection
With the completion of their popular The Queen's Beast's Series, The Royal Mint has once again undertaken a collection to celebrate England's royal heritage: The Royal Tudor Queen's Beast's. This time around The Royal Mint is focusing on the heraldic beasts that were prominent during Henry VIII’s reign, the beasts will include: The Seymour Panther, The Lion of England, The Bull of Clarence, The Tudor Dragon, The Greyhound of Richmond, The Royal Dragon, The Yale of Beaufort, The Seymour Unicorn, The Queen's Panther, and The Queen's Lion.
2022 GB 10 oz Silver Royal Tudor Beasts The Lion of England
The Lion of England, one the most iconic beasts in heraldry, has been part of royal emblems for as long it exists. This majestic feline first appears on a shield bearing King Henry VIII’s arms at Hampton Court Palace impaled – or combined – with Jane Seymour’s coat of arms between them to symbolize pride and courage to represent those qualities clearly shown throughout this story about how two people came together not just by marriage but also with true love.
Jede dieser wunderschönen Silvercoin enthält 999/1000 Feinsilber und wurde im wunderschönem "Brilliant uncirculated" geprägt.
Technische Daten
Hersteller: | Royal Mint | |
Nennwert: | 10 Pfd | |
Prägejahr: | 2022 | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 10 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 311,06 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | gekapselt | |
Durchmesser: | 89,15x6 mm |