1 x 1 oz Copper Round Silver Shield "Petro Yuan 2019 - MiniMintage" -BU-

5,95 €
No tax
Hersteller:   Silver Shield
Steuersatz:   19%
Prägung:   Stempelglanz
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Kupfer
Feinheit:   999/1000
Gewicht:   28.349 Gramm
Verpackung:   zip-Tüte
Durchmesser:   39 mm
Auflage:   - Stück
2-3 Tage

1 x 1 Unze (oz) Copper Round Silver Shield

"Petro Yuan- MiniMintage 2019"


Diese Copperround ist mit einer der außergewöhnlichen Sammlung von "Silver Shield Group LLC." und dem Design von Chris Duane.

Jede neue Minimintage Serieausgabe ist zeitlich begrenzt! Die neue Ausgabe wird dann entsprechend der Verkaufzahlen des Motives von Golden State Mint Produziert.

Steigen Sie ein und kaufen Sie sich eines oder mehrere dieser begehrten Sammlerstücke!

The Death of the Dollar series continues with the 2019 1 oz BU Petro Yuan.

The Dollars preeminence over the global economy came out of a post-World War 2 world where the United States was essentially the last industrially developed nation standing. All other economic competitors were practically burned, bombed and nuked into the ground.

The Dollar rose to power because it was viewed as good as gold since it had the largest deposits of gold in Fort Knox. This coupled with the industrial and military power paved the way for our corporations to go about dominating international trade.

Eventually, the world woke up to understand the Dollar was NOT good as gold as the US went headlong into deficit spending with their Guns and Butter Program. Nations like France turned in their Dollars for gold until Nixon closed the international gold window in 1971.

This eventually gave rise to Petro Dollar scheme that would force all nations to hold dollars to buy oil on the global markets. This has been the de facto backing of the dollar since 1971. Any nation that dared challenge this Petro Dollar would be assured of regime change as we saw in Iraq when Saddam sold oil for Euros and Libya with the Gold Dinar standard.

Now a more formidable alliance seeks to upset the current world order. China along with Russia, Iran, India, and Venezuela are moving to de-dollarize their economies.

China is going one step further and establishing their own Petro Yuan standard that would eliminate their need to hold dollars for oil. And they are making this product convertible in GOLD!

All of this spells the end of the Dollar and makes it more imperative to stack undervalued silver as a means of protection in this great upset in the economic order.


Jede dieser wunderschönen Copper Round enthält 999/1000 Feinkupfer und wurde im wunderschönem "Brilliant uncirculated" geprägt.


Pro Einheit mit 20 Münzen erfolgt die

Lieferung im Original - Münztube ohne Kapseln!

3 Artikel

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