1 x 1 oz Copperround Silver Shield "End the War on Freedom - MiniMintage" -BU-

7,14 €
No tax
Hersteller:   Silver Shield
Steuersatz:   19%
Prägung:   Stempelglanz
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Kupfer
Feinheit:   999/1000
Gewicht:   28.349 Gramm
Verpackung:   zip-Tüte
Durchmesser:   39 mm
Auflage:   - Stück
2-3 Tage

1 x 1 Unze (oz) Copper Round Silver Shield

"End the War on Freedom - MiniMintage 2018"


Diese Copperround ist mit einer der außergewöhnlichen Sammlung von "Silver Shield Group LLC." und dem Design von Chris Duane.

Jede neue Minimintage Serieausgabe ist zeitlich begrenzt! Die neue Ausgabe wird dann entsprechend der Verkaufzahlen des Motives von Golden State Mint Produziert.

Steigen Sie ein und kaufen Sie sich eines oder mehrere dieser begehrten Sammlerstücke!

*Death of the Dollar series*

Did you know that Cannabis was not illegal in the United States until 1937? When they introduced the bill to outlaw it they used a racist slang word for it called Marijuana knowing that no one would outlaw Cannabis which was a major cash crop and even on the back of 1914 $10 Federal Reserve Note.

The law to outlaw Cannabis was only debated for 90 seconds with the sole opposition being the American Medical Association.

AMA Legislative Counsel Dr. William C. Woodward testified, There is no evidence that marijuana is a dangerous drug. Woodward challenged the propriety of passing legislation based only on newspaper accounts and questioned why no data from the Bureau of Prisons or the Childrens Bureau supported the FBNs position.

He further argued that the legislation would severely compromise a physicians ability to utilize marijuanas therapeutic potential.

There has never ever been a death related to Cannabis over dose. More people die from Peanut allergies than Cannabis. And yet it is classified as a Class 1 drug along with Crack and Meth?!

There is nothing medically dangerous about Cannabis, but there is a major financial danger to a few billion dollar industries that profit off of illegal Cannabis.

The biggest opponent of Cannabis Legalization are the Pharmaceutical Industry that sells the far more dangerous, more abused and legal Opioids to which major Athletes have come out against in favor of Cannabis in treating their life long injuries.

Another major opponent is the for profit prison industry that without Cannabis convictions they would not be in business. 52% of all drug arrests were Cannabis related. That is 8.2 million arrested from 2001 to 2010! Why? So that the billions of social costs flow to the Prison Industrial Complex.

The military profits off of the prohibition of Cannabis. Have you seen the American troops protecting Opium fields in Afghanistan? Do you know the only reason why we are over there is because the Taliban banned Opium production?

The liquor industry is opposed to the legalization of Cannabis because it would destroy peoples consumption of alcohol. Alcohol kills far more people every year with close to 88,000 alcohol related deaths.

There is nothing wrong with Cannabis and its full legalization is an inevitability as more people see the logic in Ending the War on Freedom.
About Silver Shield MiniMintage Strategy
The Silver Shield MiniMintage strategy seeks to combine undervalued copper with meaningful designs, limited mintage, certificates of authenticity, in a growing series with direct to consumer prices. All told this will provide the best bang for your buck in the entire copper market!


Jede dieser wunderschönen Copper Round enthält 999/1000 Feinkupfer und wurde im wunderschönem "Brilliant uncirculated" geprägt.


Pro Einheit mit 20 Münzen erfolgt die

Lieferung im Original - Münztube ohne Kapseln!

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