- Gold 2.641,69 Eur
- Silber 29,61 Eur
- Platin 909,10 Eur
- Palladium 927,91 Eur
- (49) 2935 - 3 390 375
- Europaweite Lieferung
- Europaweite Lieferung
- Gold 2.641,69 Eur
- Silber 29,61 Eur
- Platin 909,10 Eur
- Palladium 927,91 Eur
- SILBER 15,39 EUR
- PLATIN 853,48 EUR
Länder / Serien
- Australien
Amerika - US Mint
Scottsdale Silver & Gold
- Alien Coin Series
- Ägyptische Reliquien Serie
- Cayman Islands - Sea Life
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - Sixth Issue
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - Fifth Issue
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - Fourth Issue
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - Third Issue
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - Second Issue
- Eastern Caribbean 8 - First Issue
- Congo - Silverback Gorilla
- Grenada Coin Program
- Samoa - Seahorse - Mermaid
- American Eagle - Motive
Scottsdale Silver & Gold
- CANADA - Royal Canadian Mint
- Great Britain - Großbritannien
- Somalia Elefant
- Südafrika
- Barbados
- New Zealand - Neuseeland - NIUE - Tokelau
- South Korea - Südkorea
- RUANDA - Serien
- CHINA Motive
- Lunar - Somaliland
- Armenien - Arche Noah
- Cook Islands - Motiv Bounty
- Kambodscha
- Gibraltar
- Sierra Leone
- Samoa
- Republic of Chad
- Medieval Legends
- Rep. of Gabon
- Kamerun - Cameroon
- Singapur - Mint of MK
- Rep. of Ghana
- Rep. of Congo
- Österreich - Austria
- Saint Helena
- Germania Mint
- 1/20 - 1/10 - 1/4 Oz Silber
- 1/2 Oz Silber
- 3/4 Oz Silber
- 1 Oz Silbermünzen inkl. diff.best. n. §25a UStG
- 1 Oz Silbermünzen zuzügl.19% MwSt.
- 1,5 - 2 Oz Silber
- 5 Oz Silber
- 10 Oz Silber
- 1000 Gramm/1Kg Silber
- Antique Finish
- Polierte Platte - PROOF
- Golden Enigma / Golden Empire
- Farbig - Coloured
- Silbermünzen "Privy Mark"
- Teilvergoldet - Gilded
USA - Silbermedaillen - Silver Rounds
- 1/10 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 1/4 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 1/2 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 1 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 2oz Ultras High Relief Series - u.a. Privateer, Colonial Tribute
- 2 + 5 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 1 -25 Unze (oz) Bullets
- Emoji Collection
- Buffalo Silver Round - Collection
- BitCOIN Collection
- Legendary Warriors
- 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Series
- Frank Frazetta Collection
- Mason Mint
- 9Fine Mint Collection
- GSM - Golden State Mint Collection
- United Snakes - Series
Intaglio Mint
- Molon Labe Collection
- Patriotic / Militaria Theme
- Cryptozoology Collection
- Colonial Tribute Series
- Japanese Theatre Masks
- Latin Allure Series
- Greek Mythology
- Modern Tribute Collection
- Religious Theme
- UFO & Alien Series
- Political Satire
- Silver Bullet * Silver Shield u.a. MiniMintage Series
- Chinese ZODIAC Collection
- John Wick Collection
- Open Carry Collection
- Lost World Collection
- Zombucks Series - Currency of the Apocalypse®
Münzbarren / Silberbarren / Tafelbarren
Weitere Edelmetalle
- Anonymous Mint - Copper Rounds
- American Wildlife - SERIES / Tiermotive
- American Indian Series
- Alien Collection
- Dollar - Banknoten
- BitCOIN Collection-Copper Round
- Cannabis - Collection
- Chinese Zodiac - Chinesisches Tierkreiszeichen
- Golden State Mint - Warrior Series - Copper
- Golden State Mint - World of Dragons Series - Copper
- Military Motives
- Silver Shield - MiniMintage Series
- Merry Christmas - Fröhliche Weihnachten - Motive
- Nordic Creatures
- Kupferbarren
- 1 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 2 + 5 Unzen (oz) Medaillen/Rounds
- 1 - 2 - 5 - 8 Unzen (oz) Bullets
- 1 oz Copper - Zombucks
- Platin
- Die Schatzkiste
1 x 1 oz Copper Round Silver Shield "War is a Racket 2018 - MiniMintage" -BU-
Hersteller: | Silver Shield | |
Steuersatz: | 19% | |
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Kupfer | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 28.349 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | zip-Tüte | |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |
Auflage: | 733 Stück |
1 x 1 Unze (oz) Copper Round Silver Shield
"War is a Racket - MiniMintage 2017"
Diese Copperround ist mit einer der außergewöhnlichen Sammlung von "Silver Shield Group LLC." und dem Design von Chris Duane.
Jede neue Minimintage Serieausgabe ist zeitlich begrenzt! Die neue Ausgabe wird dann entsprechend der Verkaufzahlen des Motives von Golden State Mint Produziert.
Steigen Sie ein und kaufen Sie sich eines oder mehrere dieser begehrten Sammlerstücke!
War Is A Racket Part of the new Monumental Truth series. This new series seeks to take famous national monuments and to show the reality behind them.The first one in the series is perhaps the one that influenced me the most. The Iwo Jima statue of Marines taking Mount Suribachi is perhaps the most powerful and moving statue for any military or nation.
The Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, had decided the previous night that he wanted to go ashore and witness the final stage of the fight for the mountain. Now, under a stern commitment to take orders from Howlin' Mad Smith, the secretary was churning ashore in the company of the blunt, earthy general. Their boat touched the beach just after the flag went up, and the mood among the high command turned jubilant. Gazing upward, at the red, white, and blue speck, Forrestal remarked to Smith: "Holland, the raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next five hundred years.
That monument was influential in my decision to become a Marine and when I became a Marine I was pinned the Eagle Globe and Anchor in front of that statue in Parris Island. One of the proudest day of my life.
It wasn't until a few years after I left the Marines that I saw the truth that had gnawed at me during my service. That truth was spoken by a ghost from the past with one of the most highly decorated Marines ever, Major General Smedley Butler. He had served the Marines with devotion to the Marine Corps accomplishing many missions in the name of liberty.
Then he saw his role in the world and it was not what he thought it was.
"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested." -Smedley Butler
He saw himself as a gangster for capitalism and the banking elite.
"I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to major general. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." -Smedley Butler
"If only more of today's military personnel would realize that they are being used by the owning elite's as a publicly subsidized capitalist goon squad." Smedley Butler.
He finally wrote the anti war book called War is a Racket to expose the way the world did and still does work. Death for debt. Profits for the rich and spilt blood for the poor.
"War is a racket. It always has been... A few profit - and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can't end it by disarmament conferences. You can't eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can't wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war." Smedley Butler
The 2018 1 oz BU War Is A Racket seeks to show the truth that our military does not spread freedom and democracy, we only spread debt and death for the profits of the owning class.
Jede dieser wunderschönen Copper Round enthält 999/1000 Feinkupfer und wurde im wunderschönem "Brilliant uncirculated" geprägt.
Pro Einheit mit 20 Münzen erfolgt die
Lieferung im Original - Münztube ohne Kapseln!
Technische Daten
- Gewicht
- Material
- Kupfer
- Jahreszahl
- 2018
- Preis-Addition
- 4.6
Hersteller: | Silver Shield | |
Steuersatz: | 19% | |
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Kupfer | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 28.349 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | zip-Tüte | |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |
Auflage: | 733 Stück |