1 x 1 Oz Silverround Silver Shield "Im`Peached 2020" -BU-

45,83 €
No tax
Hersteller:   Golden State Mint
Steuersatz:   19%
Prägung:   Stempelglanz
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Silber
Feinheit:   999/1000
Gewicht:   31,103 Gramm
Verpackung:   zip-Tüte
Durchmesser:   39.3x1,55mm
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1 x 1 Unze (oz) Silverround Silver Shield "Im`Peached 2020"


The new 2020 Silver Shield I`mPeached captures the whole Trump Impeachment circus in one cheeky design. The Hegelian Dialectic relies on the duality of good and evil. Social predators create problems where there are none and like a cancer, slowly kill the body politic. The cunning social predators create multiple profits off of dividing humanity. They give us bread and circuses and good political soap operas for us to dance to their tune. We fund their campaigns, we watch their media, we career for them, we soldier for them and we vote for them. What a profitable scam…

The reality is that there is no collective political, economic, or military solution. That even the impeachment process has zero effect on the REAL power behind the scenes. The privately-owned Federal Reserve, Federal Government and the Military-Industrial Complex are never up for discussion. Instead of humanity chopping at the real roots of tyranny, we are distracted by political circuses like the impeachment of Donald J. Trump.

By stacking Silver Shield silver, you withdraw your energy from the Debt and Death paradigm. You first exchange your digital illusions of wealth for real, tangible and eternal silver. Then you save in the most societally cutting edge silver with Silver Shield. The one brand that spoke the greatest truth never told about the Debt and Death paradigm and forged the way forward to the coming Silver Age of Humanity

Einzigartig in ihrer Art und bereits jetzt schon Kult in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Jede dieser wunderschönen Silverround enthält 999/1000 Feinsilber und wurde im feinsten "Brilliant uncirculated" geprägt.

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