Herkunftsland: | Gibraltar | |
Nennwert: | 1 GBD | |
Prägung: | Antique Finish | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 31,103 gramm | |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |
Auflage: | 10.000 Stück |
1 x 1 Unze (oz) Silbermünze 1 Pfd Gibraltar "Lady Justice 2022"
(diff.besteuert nach §25a UStG)
The figure of Lady Justice has been struck into coinage throughout world history, with one of the earliest examples appearing in the Roman Empire around 100 AD. The ideal of pure, impartial justice is timeless, and a concept people have sought, debated, and fought to preserve over the timeline of humanity.
Scottsdale Mint is proud to announce a new coin series that enshrines the concept of Justice in pure gold and silver. The 2021 Gibraltar Legal Tender coin program is comprised of four coins in two different finishes and metal types.
The obverse of each coin features a classic engraving of Lady Justice, blindfolded and holding a sword in her right hand, and scales in her left. The Latin phrase "fides et justitia" accompanies the artwork. The reverse bears the Gibraltar Coat of Arms (beautiful artwork in its own right) as well as weight, purity, content, and denomination value.
Round Highlights:
Silver Bullion rounds are popular with collectors and investors for their Silver content, portability and ease of storage.
Die Silbermünzen "Lady Justice" bestechen durch eine hervorragende "Antique Finish" Prägequalität und einem außergewöhnlich schönem Design.
Die Münzen sind im Gebiet von Gibraltar gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel.
Technische Daten
Herkunftsland: | Gibraltar | |
Nennwert: | 1 GBD | |
Prägung: | Antique Finish | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 31,103 gramm | |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |
Auflage: | 10.000 Stück |