Herkunft: | Emerald Isle | |
Nennwert: | 10 $ | |
Prägung: | Proof-Like | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Gold | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 31,103 Gramm | |
Durchmesser: | 32,00 mm | |
Echtheit: | Certi-Lock® | |
Auflage: | 100 Stück |
1 x 1 Unze (oz) Goldmünze 10$ Montserrat
"Oriole 2020" Proof-Like in Colorized
The 2020 ECCB Montserrat coin depicts the Montserrat Oriole, a vulnerable species of oriole endemic to this eastern Caribbean island. In stunning detail, the national bird of Montserrat is shown perched on a branch against a backdrop of the famous Soufriére Hills volcano. As of 1995, Soufriére Hills is an active volcano. Frequent eruptions have left half of the island uninhabitable and have also contributed to the Montserrat Oriole's status as a vulnerable endangered species. Between 1995 and 2000, two-thirds of the island's population was forced to flee, primarily to the United Kingdom, leaving fewer than 1200 people on the island in 1997. The volcano exists within an exclusion zone which is not accessible to the public, yet the rest of the island remains one of the Eastern Caribbean's highly sought tourist destinations.
All Eastern Caribbean Coin Program
1.) - Rum Runner
2.) - Hummingbird
3.) - Octopus
4.) - Brimstone Hill
5.) - Montserrat - Oriole
6.) - Embargo
7.) - Embargo
8.) - Embargo
Coin Highlights:
Die wechselnde Motive stellen in wunderschönen Motiven, sind ein absolutes MUSS für alle Münzsammler.
Diese Sammlermünze wird als ganze Unze herausgegeben und besteht aus 999,9 Prozent Feingold in der wundervollen Prägung "PROOF-LIKE"!
Diese Silbermünze gilt als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel in ihren Herausgeberland Grenada.
Geliefert wird diese wünderchöne Münze "Montserrat" in Colorized-Lock.
Technische Daten
Herkunft: | Emerald Isle | |
Nennwert: | 10 $ | |
Prägung: | Proof-Like | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |
Material: | Gold | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 31,103 Gramm | |
Durchmesser: | 32,00 mm | |
Echtheit: | Certi-Lock® | |
Auflage: | 100 Stück |