1 x 1 oz Goldmünze 10$ Nature Isel "Dominica - Dolphin 2023" -Colorized-

3.043,05 €
No tax
Herkunft:   Nature Isel
Nennwert:   10 $
Prägung:   Proof-Like
Stückelung:   1 x 1 Unze
Material:   Gold/farbig
Feinheit:   999,9/1000
Gewicht:   31,103 Gramm
Durchmesser:    32,00 mm
Vepackung:   Box+Zertifikat
Auflage:   100 Stück

Lieferdauer bei Bestellung ca. 21-28 Tage

1 x 1 Unze (oz) Goldmünze 10$ Nature Isel

"Dominica - 4# Dolphin 2023"

new Coin from "Eastern Caribbean Coin Program Sixth Issue"

Embark on a voyage of discovery with the Dominica Dolphin coin program, a captivating tribute to the island's marine splendor and its enduring bond with the majestic dolphins that grace its shores. Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, Dominica emerges as a beacon of natural wonder, its azure waters teeming with life and its coastal landscapes adorned with vibrant coral reefs and lush mangrove forests.

Captured through the lens of exquisite numismatic artistry, each coin in this series unveils a mesmerizing tableau of Dominica's aquatic realm, where dolphins dance in the embrace of crystal-clear seas. From the tranquil bays of Roseau to the rugged shores of Scotts Head, these coins offer a window into the island's rich biodiversity and the delicate balance of life beneath the waves.

Yet, beyond their aesthetic allure, the Dominica Dolphin coins serve as emissaries of conservation, embodying the island's steadfast commitment to preserving its marine heritage. As part of the Eastern Caribbean 8 (EC8) currency union, Dominica stands at the forefront of environmental stewardship, channeling proceeds from coin sales towards initiatives aimed at safeguarding its coastal ecosystems and protecting the cherished dolphins that call these waters home.


Die wechselnde Motive stellen in wunderschönen Motiven, sind ein absolutes MUSS für alle Münzsammler.

Diese Sammlermünze wird als ganze Unze herausgegeben und besteht aus 999,9 Prozent Feingold in der wundervollen Prägung "PROOF-LIKE"!

Auch diese Silbermünze gilt als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel in ihren Herausgeberland Antigua & Barbuda.



Technische Daten
