Hersteller: | Anonymous Mint | |||
Steuersatz: | 19% | |||
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |||
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |||
Material: | Kupfer | |||
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |||
Gewicht: | 28.349 Gramm | |||
Verpackung: |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |||
Auflage: | 100.000 Stück |
1 x 1 Unze (oz) Copperround Anonymous Mint
"Memento Mori - Last Laugh" -BU Finish-
This is a Memento Mori Silver Round with a BU finish. This funeral-themed Silver round featuring death laughing is sure to attract both Copper investors and Copper collectors.
Diese Kupfermedaille dient als Erinnerung an alle Sterblichen, dass die Zeit flüchtig ist und jede Minute zählt. Der Tod respektiert niemanden und kommt schnell vorbei. Das Letzten Lachen wird mit lachendem totem Mann, Schädeln, Sanduhr und Ernte-Klingen dargestellt. Diese Art der Beerdigung Kunst war im Mittelalter durch die viktorianische Ära populär und dient dazu, an ihrer eigenen Sterblichkeit zu erinnern.
Auf der Rückseite: Die Eule repräsentiert Weisheit, Intelligenz, Geheimnis, Übergang, Geheimnisse und Schutz. In der alten Symbolik repräsentierte die Eule die Vormundschaft der Unterwelt und den Schutz der Toten. Eule ist bekannt als Herrscher der Nacht, Seher von Seelen und Hüter der Geister, die von einer Ebene zur anderen gegangen war. Während des Mittelalters waren Priester oder Zauberer als Eulen getarnt.
The Memento Mori Series from the Anonymous Mint is one of its most popular in-house design collections. Created by lead coin designer Julie Lindquist, the series offers a simple, yet stirring depiction that reminds us all that death is coming. Now, 1 oz Memento Mori Copper Rounds are available to you for purchase online from JM Bullion.
Round Highlights:
The Memento Mori release from the Anonymous Mint is a last-laugh design concept. The phrase memento mori comes from Ancient Latin and is roughly translated as remember death. There are many stories explaining the origin of this phrase, but one of the most popular is that of a slave speaking these words to his master.
In this specific case, that master was a successful Roman general returning to the city of Rome. As he rode into the city with a parade in his honor, the slave whispered in his ear the phrase memento mori. This was to remind him that though he was popular and alive today, war and death are indiscriminate. Even he too will eventually succumb to death, for death gets the last laugh.
A skeleton is depicted on the obverse of 1 oz Memento Mori Copper Rounds. The skeleton appears to be laughing, a true sign that death always gets the last laugh. There is a skull with crossbones above the design element, with skulls on either side of the design field. You will also find hourglasses around the design field. The phrase MEMENTO MORI is engraved at the bottom of the design field.
The logo of the Anonymous Mint is found on the reverse side of Memento Mori Copper Rounds. A riff on the heraldic eagle of the United States, this design shows an owl in front-facing relief with a crown above its head. The owl has its wings stretched wide to the sides with arrows in its talons. There are 13 stars above the crown of the owl and the name of the mint features at the bottom of the design field.
Die Copperrounds der Anonymous Mint bestechen durch eine hervorragende Brilliant Unzirkuliert Prägequalität und einem außergewöhnlich schönem Design. Jede dieser wunderschönen Round enthält 999/1000 Feinkupfer.
Technische Daten
Hersteller: | Anonymous Mint | |||
Steuersatz: | 19% | |||
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |||
Stückelung: | 1 x 1 Unze | |||
Material: | Kupfer | |||
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |||
Gewicht: | 28.349 Gramm | |||
Verpackung: |
Durchmesser: | 39 mm | |||
Auflage: | 100.000 Stück |