Hersteller: | Golden State Mint | |
Steuersatz: | 19% | |
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 10 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 311,03 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | Kapsel+Box | |
Durchmesser: | 89,08x44,74x3,5 mm | |
Auflage: | -,- Stück |
1 x 10 Unze (oz) Silverround Golden State Mint "No Lie"
All of Duality of our Material Reality is a lie.
An illusion of Separation, Scarcity and Sin.
The Truth is we are all One.
One humanity, one human consciousness.
The Truth is the Earth is overwhelming Abundant.
The only limitations we have are in our hearts and minds.
The Truth is the Our Spiritual, and vastly more powerful, Reality is all based on Love.
All of life is a creation of love.
Man misplaces this love into the Material World but can turn that energy around with the will of their mind.
Every individual makes their conscious decision on what power they are going to enable.
It shows up in our relationships, investments and careers.
If you are not releasing your inner song to the world, be prepared to lose all you hold dear.
How else would you learn what is real unless all illusions were wiped away?
Rare is the soul that looks at the world and reject it while it benefits from it at the expense of others.
Rare is the soul that takes the divine responsibility of making the inner world the focus of their energy.
Rare is the soul that brings a balance of the highest self into the material world.
Rare is the soul that can love a world that hates itself.
Our job is not to save anyone. We can’t.
Our job is to show others how they can save themselves.
By living boldly and fearless as you pour your inner love into the outer world.
Heaven will be when all are healed of their illusions and work in harmony to care for this divine planet Earth.
We must be the change we want to see in the world.
We must see and heal our inner demons to see ourselves in all of our brothers and sisters.
We must be abundant with love and healthy boundaries when faced with scarcity.
We must be forgiving to all who simply didn’t know any better.
Conscious individual solutions to all the unconscious collectivist problems.
Quadrillions of digits illusions into a few billion ounces of silver as the tip to the other side.
Diese Sammlermünze wird als ganze Unze herausgegeben und besteht aus 99,9 Prozent Feinsilber in der Prägung "Brilliant uncirculated"!
Sie haben einen Durchmesser von je 89,08 mm.
Technische Daten
Hersteller: | Golden State Mint | |
Steuersatz: | 19% | |
Prägung: | Stempelglanz | |
Stückelung: | 1 x 10 Unze | |
Material: | Silber | |
Feinheit: | 999/1000 | |
Gewicht: | 311,03 Gramm | |
Verpackung: | Kapsel+Box | |
Durchmesser: | 89,08x44,74x3,5 mm | |
Auflage: | -,- Stück |